Rotary Club of West Nassau
About Our Club

Rotary Club of West Nassau was chartered September of 1970 when men like the late A.Bismark Coakley, Bradley Roberts, Joe Flint, Vernal Dean made a decision to form a club in Western Nassau to serve the communities in that part of the City. A club where members with strong philanthropic objectives exhibit the characteristics of true Rotarians to those they serve.
Over its almost 50 years of service, the Rotary Club of West Nassau has undertaken and participated in a number of meaningful community projects which exemplify Rotary's motto of "Service above Self". Just a few of these projects include:
· Building cement access ramps for paraplegic persons at their homes and providing walking aids for persons with disabilities.
· Purchasing the ceramics business for Abilities Unlimited and paying rent for a year for the organisation
· Providing audio equipment to the Royal Bahamas Police Force Band
· Extending and refurbishing “Hope House”, a home for girls in need of care and rehabilitation
· Building shelves and painting the Bahamas National Trust building at “The Retreat”
· Annually sponsoring a Christmas Party and providing gifts for the senior citizens of Bain Town
· Participating in “Hands Across The Bahamas” and though this raising $300,000 to construct the Detoxification Centre at Sandilands
· Purchasing a van for the Red Cross “Meals on Wheels” programme
· Constructing the gazeebo at the Persis Rodgers Home for the Aged
· Annually putting on the “Night of Christmas Music” and “Spring Raffle” as fundraisers for the various RCWN Service Projects
· Sponsoring EarlyAct, Interact & Rotaract clubs at Eva Hilton Primary School, H. O. Nash Jr. High School, C.R. Walker Sr. High School and University of The Bahamas
· Providing much needed school supplies, along with health and dental check-ups for the children of the Gambier community during our annual "Back-to-School" Jam; and
· Constructing a Library and Homework centre in the Adelaide community