Dear fellow Rotarians,
As we start our second month of our Rotary year, it is imperative that we refocus our approach to membership.
We are all aware that “Membership” is the #1 Internal priority of Rotary International. Membership is the responsibility of every Rotarian in a club and our district.
The issue of membership has two basic challenges;
- How do we get them to come on the bus with us? (Recruitment)
- How do we keep them from getting on the bus and don’t leave through the back (Retention)
The issue of recruitment is and always has been the “lifeblood” of any club. However, many times, we as Rotarians, make this process more difficult than it really is. It is just that simple, because each and every one of us has one friend, associate, business partner that we trust and could recommend to Rotary.
Our strategy has to reflect the changing times, attitudes and activities that are of interest to our membership. The Council on Legislation has given the clubs a set of options to have more flexibility in the way we run our clubs. It has never been so easy and encouraging to be vibrant in our club activities.
This year the District has included two Rotarians along with our Membership Chair PAG/PDRFCC Lindsey to help in bringing awareness and leadership development to our membership.
- PDG Felix Stubbs (Extension and Rotarian leadership development)
- DGE Delma Maduro (Membership Leads)
Our guiding principles have been developed over the years to provide Rotarians with a strong, common purpose and direction. They serve as a foundation for our relationships with each other and the action we take in the world. If we apply these principles along with our core values of
We will be able to tell Our Story, because our identity is more than just our logos and colors. It is the essence of who we are and what we do. Strengthening our clubs and membership will help us tell that story in a compelling way.
Many of us rarely visit My Rotary and take advantage of the online tools that have been so well designed for our development. Whether we are looking to ATTRACT, ENGAGE, CONNECT, ADAPT or Grow, these are excellent resource tools.
The learning center provides avenues for us to be more effective Rotarians, and provides training at our finger tips, while the inspiration for your next project can be just a visit to Rotary Ideas or Showcase.
Promoting our clubs has been made simple by the brand center and I encourage you to take advantage of it.
As we celebrate our successes, let us remember that our primary customer is our members and more attention should be paid on their welfare. A happy family attracts, “Share Your Love for Rotary”
DG Patrick Adizua
District Governor 2018 - 2019