The month of May is very important and special because RI dedicates it to the Youth. In District 7020 we know the important part these young people play in our communities and their important Role in Rotary.
District 7020 has a total of 58 Rotaract, 110 Interact and 27 EarlyAct Clubs.
Rotarians help them Grow Stronger to be able to Serve Better by guiding them and offering training seminars through their sponsor clubs. In some cases not only do Rotaractors attend RYLA but also participate in RLI (Rotary Leadership Institute)
This Rotary year, knowing that many do not have the chance to attend a RYLA, I have included among the different ways to gain points for my DG Award, the possibility for Rotary Clubs to offer a local Mini RYLA where more young community leaders can gain leadership skills and Rotary knowledge to become stronger individually or as a group by promoting leadership skills and community involvement. My objective is to encourage young people who are interested in personal growth and who have a desire to make a difference in their community to participate in RYLA and learn more about our organisation. The more young people grow stronger with leadership skills and gain a better understanding of Rotary, the more they may be interested in joining Rotaract, Interact or EarlyAct or just become better prepared leaders to serve and make a difference in people’s lives.
They are our future professional and community leaders who will help shape the way the world works.Teenagers seeking opportunities for service or ways to make a difference in their communities can participate in any of Rotary’s several youth programs. These programs allow young people a chance to develop character, high ethical standards, and an understanding of the importance of peace in the world.
It has been a wonderful experience to induct new Youth Clubs, new members and visit the projects they are doing throughout the District.
Rotarians do not forget, these different Youth Clubs are your projects. So please continue to help the Rotaractors, Interactors and EarlyActors to Grow Stronger to Serve Better and also to be part of Making A Difference.
DG Robert Léger
District Governor, 2017 - 2018