On Thursday 15th March, the Rotary Club of West Nassau used their meeting to celebrate World Rotaract Week.
This was a special Rotaract Week, as it also commemorated the 50th anniversary of the formation of Rotaract. As RI President Ian Riseley pointed out in his monthly letter, only 27% of Rotary clubs sponsor a Rotaract Club. RCWN is proud to be in that minority. So as a part of its celebrations, RCWN invited Rotaract Club of University of The Bahamas (RCUB) to run their meeting on the 15th.
RCUB Vice President Jessica Marshall served as Acting President for the meeting, and Rotaractor Andrew LaFleur performed the duties of Sergeant at Arms.
The meeting had quite a full agenda.

The clubs welcomed visiting Rotarian Bernhard Praher-Schneck from the Rotary Club of Salzburg, Austria - where "the hills are alive with the Sound of Music". Bernhard, who currently serves as his club's Community Service Director exchanged banners and brought greetings on behalf of his home club. RC of Salzburg is seeking to undertake an international project with RCWN. Bernhard, himself a former Rotaractor during his days studying in Italy, shared some of his experiences as a Rotaractor as well and how it shaped his life and choice to continue in Rotary.
After the banner exchange, it was time to hear from other current and past Rotaractors.

Past VP and current Advisor to RCUB, Brittany Pinder spoke on the work that the club has undertaken over the first 9 months of the Rotary Year, inclusive of winning small school-based Rotaract Club for 2 quarters running, as well as starting a library at a school in Lowe Sound Andros. Brittany also shared a video chronicle of the projects completed so far this year.

The club then had the privilege of hearing from the charter President of RCUB - then Rotary Club of the College of The Bahamas (RCOB), Shervonne Johnson. RCOB PP Shervonne, shared how the late RCWN PP Roston Miller was key to the early success of their club, due to his constant involvement and also highlighted the positive impact Rotaract has had on her attitude toward service. Shervonne is a frequent speaker at both the Rotaract and Interact Clubs, and is a contributor to Eva Hilton's fundraising efforts on a regular basis.

Shervonne's VP during her year, Rotarian Marvin Smith also spoke about his time in Rotaract as charter VP. Marvin shared how RCWN impacted his life, as the inaugural recipient of the RCWN academic scholarship and how he continues the tradition of service as a current member of RCWN. He also provided encouraging words to all the Rotaractors attending the meeting that day.

Finally, AG Bryan Knowles brought greetings on behalf of RIPE Barry and DG Robert for World Rotaract Week. AG Bryan, is himself a former Rotaractor and a former member of the first Rotaract club formed in The Bahamas - the pre-cursor of RCUB.
The Rotaract Club was grateful for the opportunity to share with RCWN and looked forward to continuing to work closely with them to make the community a better place.
Happy Anniversary Rotaract!