Posted on Feb 17, 2018
On Saturday, February 17th, 2018, Rev. Dr. C. B. Moss was awarded The 2017 Lady Sassoon Golden Heart Award by The Sir Victor Sassoon (Bahamas) Heart Foundation.
Rev. Moss was selected as the recipient for his years of service to the community.
Service to others has been a way of life for the Rev. Dr. C. B. Moss. It is when he is assisting someone, or contributing to a worthy cause that he feels most fulfilled. Over the years He contributed to the national development through his involvement in many Professional, Religious, Charitable, Political, Fraternal, Cultural, and Community Organizations.
It is with deep gratitude that he accepts this special recognition from the Society which continues to make a great contribution to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. He has frequently stated and still maintains that his involvement with the Bahamas Red Cross Society has been a very exciting and rewarding experience that he still cherishes to this date. It was made even more special by the dedication and commitment of the fine persons, both Staff and Volunteers, of the society. The atmosphere was one of “family” and made it a wonderful place to serve. These persons include Mrs. Lottie V. Tynes, Past Director General; the late Mrs. Marina Glinton, Past Director General; Mrs. Dorothy King; Past Deputy Director General. Dame Margueritte Pindling; and Mr. Ken Lam. He also extends thanks to Commonwealth Bank, his employer at the time, his friends and family, especially his dear wife Francisca and children for their encouragement and support during this extended period.