President Chris along with the Board and Members of the Rotary Club of West Nassau honoured and celebrated with Rotarian C B Moss and Mrs. Moss for 50 years of marital bliss and 40 years of dedicated service to the Rotary Club of West Nassau and Rotary International.

Members of CB's family joined he and his wife Francisca in this celebration, including his sons, daughters, sons-in-law and granddaughter.
The meeting room was packed with Rotarians - some who had not visited in some time - a testament to the love for CB. Many of these Rotarians came up and shared the impact that CB has had on them as individuals and as Rotarians. Love 97 covered all of the festivities.

As a part of the celebration, Rotarian Marvin Smith serenaded CB & Francisca.

CB Expressed his gratitude for the love shown by the club toward he and his family on this special occasion.

The club showered gifts on CB & Francisca as a show of appreciation on one of its great members.
Thanks CB, for being a good example of dedication in your marriage and exemplifying Rotary's motto of "Service above Self" for over 40 years!